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Difference in the work functions of metal and semiconductor Pinching the MOS Transistors When VDS > VDS,sat, the channel is “pinched” off at drain end (hence the name “pinch-off region”) Drain mobile charge goes to zero (region is depleted), the remaining elecric field is dropped across this high-field depletion region As the drain voltage is increases further, the pinch off point moves back MOS Transistor For an n-channel MOS transistor (NMOS) Heavily doped n-type source and drain regions are implanted (diffused) into a lightly doped p-type substrate (body) A thin layer (approxA0) of silicon dioxide (SiO2) is grown over the region between source and drain and is called thin or gate oxide poly-si gate n+ source n+ drain Ideal MOS transistor switch In the ideal transistor switch, the connection between the drain and the source acts like a switch that is controlled by the voltage between the gate and the source, v GS. In an nMOS, when v GS is greater than the threshold voltage V th, the transistor turns on and the \switch" is closed If you look back at Figure, you will see that we have defined a current Id flowing into the drain. Threshold Voltage: Concept. MOS transistor uses a broken channel line to signify a normally open non-conducting channelFor the n-channel enhancement MOS transistor a drain current will only flow What This Means(Intel), transistors mm2; Tr/mmchip area shrinks tommdie size shrinks to mmChip edge is only MOS Structure Physics. Voltage to invert the character of the surface region from n-type to p-type and vice versa. We will be covering all of chapterin the text. Voltage drop due to gate oxide. So far, we have treated transistors as ideal switches An ON transistor passes a finite amount of current – Depends on terminal voltages – Derive current-voltage (I-V) relationships Transistor gate, source, drain all have capacitance –I = C (∆V/∆t) -> ∆t ec ≈× V/cm for holes, hence velocity saturation for P-channel MOSFET will not become important until L MOSFET I-V characteristics. Threshold voltage due to non-ideal MOS structure. The Reading. d(Vc(x)) = Idd(R) = Idd (x) μscox(Vgs − VT)W Control by the Gate voltage is achieved by modulating the conductivity of the semiconductor region just below the gate. The metal MOS TransistorBand-to-Band Tunneling For small gate bias at high drain bias a significant drain leakage can be observed, especially for short channel devices. MOS transistors can be of two types NMOS and PMOS. (a) characteristics of a MOSFET with L = μm, x0 = μm, Comparative theoretical characteristics computed (b) including velocity saturation What This Means(Intel), transistors mm2; Tr/mmchip area shrinks tommdie size shrinks to mmChip edge is only twice the diameter of a human hair! Debdeep Mukhopadhyay IIT Madras. That current flows through the channel, and hence through our little incremental resistance dR, creating a voltage drop d(Vc) across it, where Vc is the channel voltage. Threshold voltage due to ideal MOS structure. This region is known as the channel. D B + V ox. n-channel MOS Transistor. Wednesday: Section → Then we look at the analog characteristics of simple digital devices, → Following Pinching the MOS Transistors When VDS > VDS,sat, the channel is “pinched” off at drain end (hence the name “pinch-off region”) Drain mobile charge goes to zero (region is Vt defines the voltage at which a MOS transistor begins to conduct. An NMOS has a lightly doped p-substrate (where there is scarcity of electrons). Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) or MOS Transistors Function Principle of the MOSFET The MOSFET basic structure was investigated early [Hof63]. MOS Transistor. (Intel) 1,, transistors, Tr/mmIntelnm CMOS* circa,, Tr/mm2 Flow of current from “Source” to “Drain” is controlled by the “Gate” voltage. FigureConduction characteristics of Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterlooof MOSFET: Introduction. For voltages less than V t (threshold voltage), the channel is cut off. = 2φ F F ermi pot enti al. Introduction. For the compre-hension of the function of a MOSFET (metal The MOS transistor is a majority-carrier device, in which the current in a conducting channel is controlled by gate voltage. Qualitative Description. In an nMOS transistor, the majority carriers are GEOMETRIC AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF A MOS TRANSISTOR Geometric and material properties of a MOS transistor Geometric configuration of a MOS transistor Three components of the MOS transistor structure, namely, the gate, source and drain form aD structure as illustrated in Figure Poly-silicon L Diffusion Diffusion W Top view Gate The MOS Transistor.

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